Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stupid Men with Their Stupid Penises....

Alright, so I've been chasing after this guy for what seems like forever... (let's say going on five years....) Every time we seem to have a shot, it goes south. Well, recently, we tried to pick things up again. (Much to friends chagrin) Everything was looking great, we were talking about moving in, that sort of thing. The only snag was he wasn't willing to move. Then one day, *poof* he turns around and tells me that he applied for a transfer with his job so he could be closer to me. I was shocked, thrilled, excited, dumbstruck. After many weeks of waiting, we finally got the news, the transfer was denied, and they were trying to transfer him somewhere else. I pleaded for him to quit his job and move out here. But he kept saying he couldn't, he was making too much money with the job he had. I asked him to take time off to come see me, but again, he couldn't get the time off. So, I've had it. I'm sick and tired of being second to his job. Yes I understand money is necessary, but still. I'm supposed to be special to him, but he can't get time off? I'm sorry, but I'm worth taking a few days off. I'm worth fighting for that time off. He apparently doesn't seem to think so, so out the door you go. I'm tired of being second place, I'm tired of always taking the back burner. If I meant that much to you, you'd tell them where to stuff it. News flash idiot: I AM WORTH IT! I AM WORTH ALL THAT AND MORE!!! So if you won't fight for me, then I'm finding someone who can.

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